[V8] looking for TB parts advice

dsaad@icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Tue Sep 27 10:49:14 EDT 2005

It may just be one of those things - but I had a Meyle pump that weeped out the
front drain hole shortly after install. It may have gone for 100K miles like
that, but I replaced it anyway. I don't remember the brand I used next, but it
came with new bolts where the Meyle did not.

According to my parts guy (Rick at importpartsspec.com), Meyle mostly
manufactures boxes. The pumps for a low volume car like the V8 probably all come
from the same place as the OEM.
There was a visable difference in the two I had however. The Meyle had what
appeared to be a plastic or Teflon coated impeller. To me it looked like a
better pump - but it is the one that failed.

Go figure...


Quoting John Dodd <jidodd at shaw.ca>:

> Hello
> As I'm waiting for the tools still, I like to go ahead and buy the
> necessary parts.
> So the question is would you guys go with a Meyle timing belt ? (or
> should I put the original from the dealer)(70 vs 200$)
> Either way I assume the belt is being sitting on a shelf for a long
> time. Any issues with that ?
> Also the water pump is a Meyle too ,new not rebuild.
> Thanks
> John
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