[V8] wheel baring's

dsaad@icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Thu Sep 15 11:32:12 EDT 2005


Clearly I have not used the Hub Shark.
Thanks for setting me straight.

I am curious how you could do it without removing the tie rod? How do you get
the axle out of the hub?

Anyway - I have removed my struts - and it was no big deal. It to me is one of
those cases where you take out a few extra bolts and do the axle service and
whatever else makes sense.


Quoting cobram at juno.com:

> dsaad at icehouse.net writes:
> > There is a tool which allows you to do the job with the strut on the
> > car - but you still have to remove the sway bar, lower control arm, tie
> rod,
> > and axle.
> You don't need to remove all this, with the on car tool (Hub Shark etc.)
> all you have to do is slide the ball joint out.  Once the A arm is out
> you can position the strut assembly to get the axle out and pull the
> wheel bearing.  Everything else stays attached.  Same procedure as
> getting to the CV joint boot.
> > which point you can just bring it to a machine shop and have it done
> > right.
> Nothing wrong or improper with doing it on the car.
> >You would also be able to replace the shock accordian boot if needed,
> This can be changed in the car too.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> We'll be spontaneous when we have time.

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