[V8] 1993 v8 for sale in western MA?

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Thu Sep 22 12:54:12 EDT 2005

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The car may have been offered through the audifans marketplace, which also
is reachable through audifans.com

At 12:06 PM 9/22/2005 -0400, Barnett, Alexander C wrote:
>I am a non-v8 owner who was told of a recent classified ad for a 1993 v8
>quattro in MA by Ken Stafford, and I was wondering if it was still for sale
>and what the details of the ad were.  I have only been on the listserve for 3
>or so days and I heard of this ad last wednesday or so.  If there is any more
>information on this car and if it is still for sale I am very interested in
>it and would like to know more about the car and take a look at it.
>-Alex Barnett
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