[V8] '93 V8 for sale cheap!

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 12 09:54:20 EDT 2005

Someone pick this up - sounds like a good deal, even
as a parts car.  Need to know ASAP.  Please contact
Rick (FNW at aol.com) or the other contact as soon as
possible if you're interested.

--- FNW at aol.com wrote:

> Carter my man, 
> I picked up the white GT with it's new exhaust today
> and dropped off the S6 
> for it's new exhaust.  The sales guy at my local
> shop (Labelle & Leitner in 
> Greenfield, MA) showed me something he had picked up
> at auction.  I thought you 
> might be interested.  It's a '93 V8 with the 4.2 and
> auto trans.  It has 
> 167,000 miles.  Car is dark green with tan (ecru?)
> interior.  There is no rust and 
> interior is in good shape except for the usual seat
> wear (no rips or tears).  
> The engine pulls strong and the brakes and steering
> all felt fine.  It has a 
> cracked windshield and a major oil leak somewhere on
> the engine but otherwise 
> appears to be in pretty decent shape.  I wouldn't
> drive it very far without 
> fixing the oil leak first, the leak is obviously
> onto the exhaust manifold as it 
> was smoking pretty good after my short drive down
> the highway.  All windows, 
> seats, and the sunroof work.  The wheels and tires
> all look good.  All lights 
> and lenses look good.
> They've supposedly got another shop interested in it
> for parts.  Although I 
> didn't look all that close at your V8 I'd say it was
> at least in as good a 
> condition as yours but without any rust.  They told
> me they're looking to get 
> $1800 as is.  
> If interested, let me know or contact John Loeb
> directly at jolbiosol at aol.com 
> or 413-774-5517.  Mention my name so he'll know
> you're the guy I told him 
> about.
> Rick

W. Carter Johnson
University of Rhode Island
401-874-4947 office
401-789-3217 home

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