[V8] Keith Tackett going away party any interest? ***update***

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Mon Apr 17 23:00:32 EDT 2006

Hmm.  That likely changes things for me, as I have a supplier  
visiting here in Detroit on the 5th from France.  I'll still try to  
make it, but can't promise right now...


On Apr 17, 2006, at 10:09 PM, Ron Wainwright wrote:

>  Listers,
>  I was monitoring the talk on the motorgeek site &
> just seen Keith post that the 6/7th would be best for
> him. So looks like it'll be the first weekend in May.
>  So I know I'm going no matter what. So who else is
> going to commit to the 6/7th of May?
>  Keith sais that 4 5spd V8s may be there. & you know
> who you are!! + he mentioned something along the lines
> of camping & a swap meet of the great parts that they
> have.
> I know I'll pick up a set of there clear fender
> signals to finish off the clear blinker theam I have
> on my Pearl V8Q.
>  I got mail from 7 listers who said that they may or
> will show. So how many of the 7 are on for the 6/7th
> of May? & how many more are going to cime in now that
> a solid date has been made?
>  & as I mentioned If enough of use from the Northern
> New England area are going we could caravan down there
> & meet up with others along the route.
>  Check out the link on the motorgeek site.
> http://www.motorgeek.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=9668#114493
> Thanks
> Ron
> 1990 80Q AAN'D project
> 90 V8Q 3.6 not stock
> 93 V8Q 4.2 "The Green Monster"
> & a Porsche 944
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