[V8] Gauge cluster fix

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Tue Apr 18 15:44:37 EDT 2006

A hardware store should have some plexiglass polish/scratch remover.
Not BTDT myself, but when the movers put a scratch on the front of our
washing machine with plexiglas (actually probably lexan or some-such),
everyone had the same opinion as to how to fix it.


> As I noted before, on the new cluster I'm building I 
> scratched the inside of the bezel ... I'm going to go at it 
> with a Dremel tool and some rubbing compound ... but I was 
> hoping to hear with someone with BTDT on removing scratches 
> in plastic.  In my case it was just the tip of the Xacto that 
> gouged a fairly clean bit ... but it will be very visible if 
> I don't do something about it ...

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