[V8] Right bank not working.

Rich Ehlert bkrddrvr at abcinet.net
Wed Apr 19 23:10:55 EDT 2006

Hi all, been a while since I have sent any questions.  The old girl has 
been running pretty good -- until last Saturday.  I was driving, for 
which my wife is grateful -  started it up, put it in reverse,  no noise 
or anything, it juat started went into what sounded like 4 cylinders. 
Checked it out today,  codes indicated; 1) hall sender or broken 
distributor, 2) RPM sender problem; 3) O2 sensor out of range.  OK, Most 
likely Hall sender.  Disconnected spark plug wires and had spark at both 
sides.  Pulled plugs and did a compression test - right (passenger) side 
indicaties 50 to 60 PSI on all 4, left side indicates 155 - 170 on the four.
Facts:  120,250 Miles, New timing belt at 59,890 miles when I bouught 
it. Any thoughts as to what the problem may be?  Or any suggestions?
Rich Ehlert

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