[V8] One down, one to go

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 01:19:31 EDT 2006

I'll be picking up the Wahler t-stat tomorrow morning and cooking it up,
this time with some AF in the pan to add some lubricative characteristics to
the test.  If it seems to behave as I would like it to compared to the other
test subjects then I may or may not install it before the weekend.

Speaking of the weekend, I may be taking the V8 camping this weekend instead
of the '91 Avant.  My pursuit of a coolant leak in that has uncovered a
seriously loose timing belt.  I had thought the leak was suspiciously coming
from an area that could certainly have been from the w/p.  None of the many
small hoses, buried by the now removed p/s pump seem to have been leaking.
Is it true that the timing belt tension is provided by adjusting the water
pump?  I know that's how it is on the AAN but haven't played the t-belt game
on a 3B or any 10v motor before.  My theory is that the water pump
adjustment came loose and the water leak is a symptom of that.  Boy am I
glad I parked it and got the V8 t-belt done and out of the garage before
digging into this.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Mike Arman
> Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 7:20 PM
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] One down, one to go
> It's fixed.
> The oil leak WAS the top rear sender. The $8 Beck/Arnley part 
> turns out 
> to be a gen-you-wine Audi part, four rings, Audi part number, 
> and even 
> blue just like the EKTA says it should be.
> Installs in two minutes from above, a 15/16" open end wrench fits 
> between the header pipes and lets the sender be properly tightened. 
> Another minute to reinstall the heat shield, and one more to put the 
> right air intake duct back on.
> Not a drop of oil leaking from the area any more. Yay! This 
> thing runs 
> SO well . . .
> Now to resolve the warm-running problem, hopefully by picking 
> a better 
> thermostat after reading the *entire* thread and seeing which 
> one works 
> for sure.
> Best Regards,
> Mike Arman
> 90 V8Q
> More than just a car - an Adventure!
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