[V8] Ever wonder why the newer Audis (and other cars) are soooheavy?

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Wed Aug 2 09:53:46 EDT 2006

Interesting perspective Steve.

Here's a paradox for you:  even though I think Audi builds the best
overall new car out there, I doubt I'd buy one -- even if it were more
realistically priced.  All depreciation issues aside, they're just
too... what's the word... sterile.  And they're not alone.  But that's
topic drift.  To bring my comment back on topic, I feel Audi, with their
copious use of aluminum as a way to counter all the bulk being stuffed
into their new cars, has kept them off the top of the list of porkers.
As Colin Chapman said, add lightness... Except lightness costs money (it
costs a LOT less to lighten a motorcycle than a 5-seat autobahn liner),
putting builders in a bit of a catch-22.

AND -- speaking of loyalty... I'm 36, and over the past 20 years, I have
owned at least one example of just about every mainstream automotive
brand out there.  The vast majority were pre-owned, which perhaps until
recently put me in the consumer bracket that automakers don't give a
crap about.  But as an enthusiast, my preferences aren't changing; my
preference is to try lots of flavors.  

Which all makes one wonder -- what WOULD an automaker have to do today
to attract AND retain new-car buyers?  I believe the answer is fairly
straightforward: give away free stuff.  LOFs, killer warranties, etc.
(and get P-Diddy to drive around in one).

Lastly:  I wonder if it'd be beneficial for some co. to buy gas in
massive bulk and set up gas pumps at its dealerships, and sell for 80%
of the market to drivers of their cars.  It'd be an epic loss leader,
but I bet it'd bring some buyers in...

Until the natural efficiency of the market takes hold I guess.


> Audi is learning from marketing giants like Wal-Mart, 
> McDonald's and Applebee's. Pump some advertising and people 
> will buy!...

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