[V8] Need All Kinds of Stuff

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Wed Dec 6 18:40:35 EST 2006

None of this stuff will be worth getting used parts for Zay.
The CV boots are easy to get new.
Tie rods are also available new - so no point in spending good money to install
worn parts.
Used hoses probably aren't worth your time either.

Of your list though, the top rad hose the most expensive I think. It was near
$200 last time I looked - and the dollar has slid considerably against the euro
since then. You can thank the economic policies of the decider for that.
If you are lucky, you just have a leaky/loose hose clamp. If either head outlet
clamp leaks, coolant drips down behind the timing cover and off the oil pan as
you describe. You can inspect these clamps, and remove the left engine timing
cover to get a good idea where the leak is. If it is the water pump, that will
be obvious too.
I would do that before jumping to too many conclusions.


Quoting "Campozano, Robert (CORP IT)" <RCAMPOZANO at mgmmirage.net>:

> Gents,
> I am in need of pricing and if anyone has good used parts, stuff you
> have hidden somewhere taking up space and care to sell for a reasonable
> price, I'm interested.
> My car is in dire need of the following:
> Radiator hoses
> Left Front outer CV Joint (or the half axle)
> Tie rods
> All breather hoses
> I need to start doing most of this work over the next 2 weeks.  My car
> is quite noisy on turns and has developed a coolant leak that I have not
> been able to locate (drips right off the front of the oil pan).  If
> anyone can give me some pricing on new or used parts it would be
> appreciated.  I will probably end up calling germanautoconnection
> regardless since I know they usually have parts as well.
> Dreading a water pump leak, hoping for a radiator hose leak...we'll see.
> The 1 mechanic that will actually work on these cars in Las Vegas will
> hopefully look at it tonight and give me a damage assessment.  At least
> my power steering leaks are gone...
> All help appreciated.  Thanks for any responses.
> Zay Campozano | Computer Engineer | MGM MIRAGE(tm)
> rcampozano at MGMMirage.net
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