[V8] ECU and TCU part numbers

Peter Littlewood littlepete_19 at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 7 07:31:39 EST 2006


Does anyone have the correct audi part numbers for the ecu and tcu for my 
WAUZZZ4c2MN002014. 3.6 v8 auto uk spec

I dont trust either of the units in the car the tcu won't talk to VAG COM 
(to many communication errors to continue!) and the ecu shows signs of being 
opened before by the previous owner who had a ""performance chip"" fitted. 
(rendered the car slower than my mates standard car)

the car won't kickdown at all from 60mph (stays in top unless its in sport 
it always changes gear at 4250rpm regardless of how much the peddle is 
buried (5200rpm in sport mode)

The gear box was rebuilt at a price 3 months ago and smooth gear selection 
is still a hit and miss affair. (the car can give the impression its a 
7speed box with several attemps to get into top!)

I've done the kick down switch check (using the climate control display the 
little segment flashes) and the switch seems to work. but not when moving? 
is this correct??
could the climite control unit be at fault?

as always any advice or insults greatly recieved

Pete Littlewood

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