[V8] dash lights

Andrew Schlueter andyschlueter at 4techwork.com
Thu Dec 14 10:17:03 EST 2006

You have a craked ground.

Here is the fix:

Andrew W. Schlueter
'90 Audi V8 MQuattro

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf
Of Jason Wilkerson
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:57 AM
To: V8 list
Subject: [V8] dash lights

V8 has been doing well.  Thanks to Ron W. I can actually remove the
wheels when I need to.  I took the dash apart last night to fix the
obdometer, some of the switch lights and the cruise control.  Anyway,
right before I took it apart the dash lights went out, but not the
headlights.  I could bang on the dash and they would re-appear some of
the time.  This included all other lights that come on with the
headlights, i.e. the CC head, and switches.  Also, I noticed that at one
point they were coming on very dimly and then if I hit the dash they
would come on fully.  I thought maby you guys would have an idea as to
where to look first.  I'm thinking one of two things, rotory dial on
cluster for dimming, or the actual light control box on top of the
radio.  Let me know what you think.  I have an extra cluster so I can
try that but I don't have a light control box - anyone have one they
want to spare?  


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