[V8] Distributor Question

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Mon Dec 18 10:39:45 EST 2006

The pieces all only go on one way - so you are pretty safe. I would rotate the
motor though so #1 is at top dead. When this is the case, the crank pointer will
line up, and the distributor rotors line up with a tiny line etched on the dist
base. This makes re-install of the distributors a little easier.

Keep in mind that if you don't have the dist drive plate lined up with the slot
in the cam, you can (actually you will) crack the plastic drive flange on the
distributor. This I know from experience.

Also keep in mind that one (or maybe both?) rear cam bearing caps need to be
sealed. If you read through the service manual you will see how to do this. You
have to be very careful not to get too much sealant on this though as you could
cause sealant to squeeze onto the bearing surface.

And FYI - the torx screws that hold the distributor flange plates on are the
same size as the thermostat housing and water pump if I remember correctly.


Quoting Tom La Plante <toml99 at comcast.net>:

> Hey guys, both distributors and the round "sealing plate" near rt.
> distributor have developed substantial leaks.  My 4 binder original
> shop manual doesn't discuss distributor removal(unless I'm just not
> seeing it) and I've never touched them.  I purchased seals from the
> dealer for both distributors/mounting plates/ and the strange round
> plate near the rt distributor(worst leak).  Just wondering if I need
> to find TDC or can just mark and remove and is any sealant required/
> suggested.  Sincerely Tom La Plante
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