[V8] '91 V8 handling issues

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Mon Dec 18 19:18:38 EST 2006

While it IS true that new snow tires all around will make the car feel much
more squirrelly, it can also accentuate any other deficiencies you make have
in suspension (worn shocks/struts/bushings) and questionable tie rods/ ball
joints.  Any time you have tires replaced, these should be inspected at the
same time.

Also, some brands are worse than others - softer the tire, slower to react.
Also, most snow tires don't do at all well on the dry/wet with sudden input
changes IME.

Best of luck.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Griffith" <jsgriffith3rd at yahoo.com>
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 5:06 PM
Subject: '91 V8 handling issues

> A few days ago I had some snow tires (195 65 R15) put on my 91 V8 and I
noticed that it was handling as if it had a low tire in the rear, sort of a
delayed reaction to a turn (under steer?) then turning more than I expected
(over steer?) as it caught up.  So I checked the pressure 36psi all around.
I aired them up to 40 and it seamed to help.  This morning I was driving and
noticed it again but more pronounced, I stopped to check tire pressure and
all were at 40psi.
>   Anybody have any ideas what to look for or what could be causing the
>   TIA
>   Joe
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