[V8] Sebring Redneck mardi gras

Dave Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Sun Feb 5 09:26:14 EST 2006

The Audi corral this year is well funded this year by corporate 
sponsors. If you are tired of the cold come mid March and want to watch 
Audi try out their new turbo diesel before LeMans its one heck of a 
party. Keith swears he's coming down. I won't have my V8 in attendance - 
my Foretravel is the only 'non Audi' allowed in the Corral (we're still 
mulling over a Gallardo). If you have an Audi and show up, yer welcome 
to park. Its a great spot outside of turn 17 just before the 1st 
crossover - and across from the Party Zone.

Dave Head

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