[V8] The end of the Type 44?

Michele_Deltergo@KeyBank.com Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com
Tue Feb 14 10:26:44 EST 2006

"No big deal" is quite correct.  I removed my aux radiator from the avant 2
years ago and haven't looked back. Temps and A/C all seem fine even in the
middle of S Maine summers!

From: "Roger M. Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at adelphia.net>

And, while we are there, what do we discover, but lower coolant hoses from
the Intercooler (I guess:  I haven't seen them yet), and the extra cooling
for the 20 valve engine.  No big deal, right?  I mean, hoses aren't in the
same class as bent valves are they?  No.  Well, maybe.

The problem is that apparently the hoses are no longer available.  No
made.  No longer supported by Audi.  No longer, no longer, period.

Well, it's not hopeless. We can fabricate the hoses, and make it work. But
the point is that because of the relative rareness of the 20 Valve cars,
there may come a time soon where a relatively small failure will tie the
up for a considerable amount of time.

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