[V8] Hint of Fuel Smell

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Fri Jan 6 18:01:47 EST 2006

First, with the car parked and running (or not running), walk around the car
to see where the fuel smell is strongest.  If you can tell where the odor is
coming from you're that much closer.  If you're feeding too much fuel to the
crankcase due to faulty temp sensor or bad fuel pressure regulator, you may
also have fuel smell when you open up (engine off, of course) the oil cap
and smell for fuel. Sooty exhaust is also sign of too much fuel flowing into
the cylinders.  Then you want to also check for corroded/leaking fuel lines
and dripping fuel on ground.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "S_Matus" <scott_matus at yahoo.com>
To: "V8" <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, January 06, 2006 5:05 PM
Subject: [V8] Hint of Fuel Smell

> In the past week I have noticed a distinct fuel odor.  I have only
recently changed the oil. but did not spill or go into the engine bay any
further than the Oil cap and Oil drain door.
>   Does anyone have any ideas?  I hope the 4 legged rodents that roam at
night did no harm.
>   What should I check?
>   Scott.
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