[V8] RE: The saga of The Black Mariah continues

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at adelphia.net
Mon Jan 9 14:32:24 EST 2006

Yes, I have replaced the entire antenna and there is no change.


I wonder if the power supply for the antenna is either disconnected or has
failed.  I also wonder where the darned cutsey little thing is
located..under the rear seat?  Or is it buried in the dash board?  Right now
it's pretty hard to go digging around in the innards of the car as even the
garage is cold.  But it would like to have a clue about the power supply
location.  If my memory serves, the powered antenna on my 5000CS Avant was
located under the rear seat, but that was three Avants ago.





-----Original Message-----
From: Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com [mailto:Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 10:30 AM
To: kentmclean at mindspring.com
Cc: rmwoodbury at adelphia.net; v8 at audifans.com
Subject: Re: The saga of The Black Mariah continues


 Roger doesn't even have to leave the state, let alone go to China, even if
he wanted to get NOS inexpensive German made euro lights ;^)  Much needed
here in Maine if you ask me.  Just got the V8 Euros wired yesterday albeit
not relayed so real bulbs will have to wait.  On the Antenna side, did Roger
replace just the mast or the amplified base.  These amplified bases units
are way past their service life now after so many years in the elements and
both my 20V avants had to have new amplified bases.  Fairly inexpensive ~$60
for base and mast.

> Minusses:
> 1.  Those terrible Audi 200 headlights.  I am planning on a
> driving light augmentation, and will probably use some big
> rectangular driving lights instead of Euros which are getting
> really hard to find.

You might consider the "cheap" China imports. The archives
don't seem to be working, so here is a posting I saved:

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