[V8] Something I just learned: NAC

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at adelphia.net
Tue Jan 10 06:34:57 EST 2006

I just learned something that I think seems rather strange.  

Sometime ago, I changed Internet service providers so that I could have
access to high speed Internet service.  I notified all of my mailing list
and all of my business contacts when this change was made, including eBay.

>From time to time I sell a few items on eBay, and have actually bought and
sold items as large as automobiles through eBay.  I do not consider myself
to be a novice on the site, and throughout the six or seven years that I
have been "playing" there, I have received only one negative feedback, and
that was back in the beginning, when I changed one dial-up ISP for another
one, and an item sold the day that I made the change.  (The negative comment
was rescinded in a subsequent email, but the basic negative comment
remains...one of several hundred).  

Last week I lost two sales because I couldn't claim the payments.  It seems
that when a member changes his ISP, not all the eBay servers automatically
change the Internet address.  So, the payment section of the listing page
must be changed, because it might "remember" the old Internet address and
use it despite anything desired to the contrary.  Now, I notice that eBay's
servers have NO trouble notifying about a bill that is due...it is only the
payment portion that is affected.  What this means is that IF a sale is
made, and IF the email address wasn't manually changed too, then a seller
could incur listing fees without receiving payment.

Interestingly enough, of last week's three auctions that were concluded on
eBay for me, ONE of the auctions did in fact have the correct seller payment
address, and I received payment....right after my first email to eBay on the

Naturally, I am sure that this oversight is merely that on eBay's part.
They couldn't possibly have calculated that IF this particular server didn't
automatically update, then.....or could they?  Maybe eBay thinks that the
selection of an ISP is like marriage....it's for life?  


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