[V8] Draining Battery...

Justin Bowers justin.bowers at comcast.net
Mon Jan 16 01:51:09 EST 2006

Hi All,

My car has a newly developed skill at draining batteries - very annoying to
say the least!

Here's the scoop...

If I run the car every day, there doesn't seem to be a problem.  If it sits
for even a couple days - dead battery (like at the airport this week!) To be
clear, it doesn't have enough power to even attempt to turn the motor...it
has enough power to run the clock, but that is it.

I've checked the voltage on the climate control while driving and it is
charging.  In addition, I'm sure its charging because even if I've had to
jump the car to start it, if I run it for a while the battery does take a
Something is draining the battery when the car isn't running - how to find
that "something" is what is a mystery to me.

By the way, I've replaced the battery - can't be the battery.

Any thoughts or ideas as to what it might be?

Best regards,

90 V8q

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