NicolCS at aol.com NicolCS at aol.com
Mon Jan 23 21:03:12 EST 2006

Classic 3.8 failure.  Coolant mixes into the oil and takes out the crank. The 
other "feature" to the Taurus 3.8 head gasket failure is inflation and ruin 
of both the heater core and radiator.  Replacing the heater core on a Taurus is 
a PITA, just like an Audi V8.  Ford many unhappy 3.8 customers that they 
bought back cars and extended the warranty to 7/100.
Craig Nicol
You ever have one of those days...?

First I had the head gaskets done on my wife's Taurus (the evil 3.8l) along 
with a bunch of other tuneups, belts, pumps, gaskets and fluid swaps to make it 
happy... to the tune of nearly $2500.  Then, on the way home from the shop, 
it spins a bearing...


Sorry, just needed to vent, and reassure everyone that fixing something often 
breaks something else on stuff besides our V8s...

Anyone got a 3.8l Ford laying around... I could just move all the new stuff 
over since it has about 30 miles on it :(


there.  I feel better.


PS - wonder if an Audi V8 will fit....

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