[V8] Clutch job

John Lagnese jlagnese at massed.net
Mon Jul 3 11:52:59 EDT 2006

There are several ways to hold the flywheel; visegrips, breaker bar on the
crank bolt, etc. The centering tool usually comes in the clutch kit. You can
center by eye if needed. Simply look at the outer edge of the clutch disc
compared to the outer flywheel edge.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kneale Brownson" <kneale at coslink.net>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Cc: <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 9:32 AM
Subject: Clutch job

> I got ZERO response to this posting last week on the 200q20v list, so I'm
> appealing here also.
> I'm preparing to replace the clutch/throwout bearing on the new-to-me
> 200q20v Avant. The throwout bearing (apparently) is squealing and won't
> allow shifting. I got the car off a trailer and onto my hoist by starting
> it with the clutch depressed and the gear required already selected. Got a
> little "smoke" during the ride up the ramps onto the hoist.
> Don't see any need in Bentley for any tool I don't have for extracting the
> transmission from the vehicle. But Bentley calls for using "holder 10-201"
> while removing and reinstalling the clutch bolts. There's also mention of
> an apparently centering tool # 10-213A. Where would I get these or what
> would I use as a substitute?
> And the book says to grease the input splines lightly with G 000 100.
> What's that?
> Any other words of wisdom for this task?
> Oh, yeah, if I find the clutch disc and pressure plate assembly to be in
> good shape (140k miles), should I save them for my 200q20v sedan (250+K
> miles)?
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