[V8] Serpentine belt disintegration

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Mon Jul 17 16:05:02 EDT 2006

... it didn't shred, but I accidentally got the belt misregistered on one of the pulleys once ... the belt made a lot of noise, and when I realized the error I decided to replace it.  If you do the belt w/o removing the belly pan I think your chances of getting the belt wrong is increased.  

Steve B
San José, CA (USA)
> Has anyone had their serpentine belt shred apart?  After a week or so of
> sqealing with the A/C switched on, my belt gave up completely last
> Friday.  I was meaning to check the tensioner mechanism, but weather was
> so bad I was hoping to make it to the weekend... fell short by half a
> mile.  Man, no power steering is tough.
> The belt is only a few months old.  With a quick look while extracting
> strands of shredded rubber from around the fan, all the pulleys seem to
> spin as they should.  Still haven't inspected the tensioner.  Just
> wondering if anyone's had a belt go in such a manner.

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