[V8] Gas cap, and running temps

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 19 06:48:45 EDT 2006

Hmm, thought I'd chime in on a few items.
  1) My 93 came with a locking gas cap, and locking fuel door.  I'm not sure the cap was the original cap, but it was an Audi cap (looked just like my GT's cap), for what it's worth.  I do not notice (or did not notice) any gas escape unless I got the tank wickedly low.
  2) My 93's aux. fan kicks on at about 98-99 degrees C, which it gets to quite quickly in traffic.  The most I have seen, though, in the past few 100degree days is about 104, which is a far cry better than last year when that fan wasn't working - then, I couldn't stop the car in traffic without it rushing towards 120.  The fan has no after run cycle, unlike the 4KQ/GT fan setup.
  3) I will check the temp. switch on the head at somepoint, but since the CEL randomly goes off related to throttle input, I doubt that is the culprit on my car.
  4) 11 days left.

W. Carter Johnson
SileStone/Counterfitt of RI
Too many Audis:
1986 Coupe GT
1985 Coupe GT
1993 V8 Quattro
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