[V8] Strange sunroof behavior

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sun Jun 4 11:17:44 EDT 2006

Take off the sunroof motor cover (screws should be behind the light panel,
which pops out).  There should be a largish hex key crank you can use to
turn the system enough by hand to close the hatch.  Sounds like the cables
slipped or a microswitch that shuts off the motor is misaligned.  There are
numerous pages of sunroof adjustment included in section 60 of the repair
manual for the V8 and/or the 200s, which I believe all used the same
sunroof assembly.

At 09:20 AM 6/4/2006 -0500, Unka Bart wrote:
>G'day all,
>Yesterday I got into the Gentleman's Express ('93 V8Q 5M) and opened 
>the windows and sunroof to let the hot air out before going for a 
>drive.  When I went to close the sunroof and drive off, it would not 
>fully close, stopping approximately 1-1/2" from completely closed.
>I have cycled the mechanism many times and it consistently stops in the 
>same place.  I have tried gently forcing it beyond that point, I have 
>tried gently rapping on it while it reaches that point; all to no 
>Does anyone have any suggestions on how to cure this?  Any ideas on 
>what's (not) going on?
>Many thanks in advance,
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