[V8] RPM Sensor

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Sun Mar 5 08:33:08 EST 2006

Speakoutprod at aol.com wrote:
> Did you have to replace the sensor or just clean it?  

Good question.  I've heard tales of being able to clean _some_ 
sensors, but I don't know if the RPM sensor is one of them.  
Why don't you pull the sensor, clean it, run it, and let us know
if it fixes the problem?

But given that your sensor is probably 16 years old, it may be 
ready for retirement.  And then you might want to consider 
replacing its twin at the same time.

(I've seen a few different names for these sensors. The ones I like 
are quoted here with part numbers, from: 
The sensors are identical except for the color of the plastic cover 
on the connector and wiring.  The 077 905 381  Ignition Reference 
Sender (G4), which gives the hard hot start symptom when bad, 
has a black covering, matching the color of the connector on the 
other end.  The 077 905 381A Engine Speed Sensor (G28) has 
the gray covering.  </>

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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