[V8] hard starting sometimes and fluctuating idle

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Tue Mar 14 10:34:23 EST 2006

Given the time frame in which the symptoms occur, I'd check the ECT
sensor behind the r/s head.  Does the car throw a code?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: v8-bounces at audifans.com 
> [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of getur at optonline.net
> Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:04 AM
> To: v8 at audifans.com
> Subject: [V8] hard starting sometimes and fluctuating idle
> I looked through the knowledge base and tried using the 
> search function but couldn't come up with anything definitive 
> about the problem that has started occurring with my V8.
> Over the past week whenever I start the car up it takes a 
> little longer to start and when it does for the first 3 to 5 
> seconds the idle fluctuates from around 300 to 800 rpm. It 
> then steadies out and I have no further problem with the 
> idle. In addition a couple of times the car stalled out on 
> the startup and I had to crank it for about 5 to 10 seconds 
> for it to restart.
> My thoughts are that it could be the ISV, but if it's that 
> then I would think the idle would jump around whenever I'm at 
> a standstill and it doesn't. The other item that might be the 
> culprit is the FPR. But, I would think that that would only 
> cause a problem if the car had been sitting for a long time, 
> say overnight. Last night though I had a hard time starting 
> it after it had sat for only an hour. It took 4 tries to 
> start it and the rpm was very low once it did start, but then 
> jumped up after about 5 seconds of running. Which brings me 
> to the last item which is the crank sensor. I believe the car 
> needs this sensor to start and if its problematical and gets 
> heat soaked it would cause a hard start problem.
> Any suggestions or btdt for this problem?
> George Tur
> 91 V8
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