[V8] rack and damper

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Mar 28 13:37:44 EST 2006

Sorry Dave!  My psychic powers ain't what they used to be, next time I
won't wait for you to post.. ;-)  

There was also a lister a while back who discovered that Freightliner
used the same ABS sensors on some of their trucks as Audi does on the
V8Q.  Audi ABS sensor was around $300 and the Freightliner one was around
$30.  Should be in the archives somewhere. 

No notches?    New job, new gun. 

dsaad at icehouse.net writes:
> Now you tell me...
> I already bought one for $90. Oh well.
> Dave
> Quoting cobram at juno.com:
> > Buy the damper for the VW Fox, exact same part.  The "Audi" part 
> costs
> > about $100, and the "VW" part is about $20.

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