[V8] Recall Fun

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Fri May 5 11:50:37 EDT 2006

So did they do the basic debug step of pulling codes?
My bet is they triggered the light by turning on the car with the airbag
circuits not connected properly, or you simply need to reset the light with the
VAG-COM after installation.

I really doubt Audi sent the wrong module. You have to wonder how a system that
was working on the day they tore into it suddenly developed a wiring problem
under the dash?

Sounds like monkee lad syndrome to me.


Quoting Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net>:

> The local Audi dealership took the center console of our V8 #1 apart to
> replace the airbag control module under AOA recall.  They report (I didn't
> see it) that the airbag light fails to go out with the new module in place.
>  So they took the center console all apart again and, in addition, took off
> the dash cover and half the dash to see if there was some compromise in the
> wiring.  Finally decided between them and the service rep at AOA that they
> need another or a different module and so we're waiting for more parts.
> So AOA rented us a little truck from the local Thrifty Rent-A-Car to run
> around in until they get it back together.  They wouldn't let me borrow a
> car off the used car lot I'd been looking at.
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