[V8] two ways of heat

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sun Nov 19 19:20:19 EST 2006

The panel at the driver's knees is held in place by a couple screws you get
to by taking off the dash endcap, as well as a screw under the steering
column and a screw down near the brake pedal.  You do not need to remove
the lower steering column switch cover.  Isn't there also a fuse associated
with the seat heater relays?

Do you know for a fact the plastic heater valve split?  It's also a common
practice to bypass the heater core when it starts leaking.

At 06:06 PM 11/19/2006 -0600, Scott Simmons wrote:
>What are the odds that all of the seat heater elements have failed?  
>None of them work, so I'm willing to bet that it's something they all 
>have in common.  But from what I've read and can see on the wiring 
>diagrams, they have separate relays.
>What diagnostic procedures should I begin with?  Jumping the relays?  I 
>had half my driver's side dash torn apart before the sun set, so I'm at 
>a stopping point until tomorrow.  Does the lower column cover have to 
>come off before I can get the lower dash pad off?  And if so, do I have 
>to pull the steering wheel?
>Second question, the heater valve apparently failed on a previous 
>owner.  They just bypassed the heater core hoses.  I got a nice metal 
>one from my FLAPS and are going to replace it tomorrow to give me some 
>warmth.  The old valve split due to it being.. well.. plastic.  What 
>kind of damage would this do to the car?  I assume that coolant gushed 
>out of the old valve.  Where would it go and what kind of water damage 
>would it have done?
>Full of questions,
>Scott Simmons
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