[V8] MPG - long overdue update

Jason Wilkerson wilke_jb at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 5 11:09:00 EDT 2007

You guys have been great!  I got sick last night so I didn't get to touch
the v8.  I did kinda make my own leak down tester - I think it will work
for this.  I also make my own O2 from the ford part - $40 from advance - I
only used the 3 wire though, and I have done this sucessfully in the past
but maby I will try putting a ground wire near the O2 and see what
happens.  The compression numbers from memory were all around 115-125, one
cylinder was 90! I am going to re-do the test when I have time.  I also
need to do a fuel pressure test - maby this weekend.  One last note, The
car when hot has seemed like it doesn't want to start - crank time is
extended followed by a rough idle - maby I do need a temp sensor?  Sorry
this post has been so scattered - I was just trying to answer all the

              Thanks Again,

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