[V8] Heat Soaking V8

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 13:12:44 EDT 2007

I've played with thermostats on my GF's 90 V8q, all supposedly 87C rated.

The one in it when we got it ran very cool.  The next one I put in
during last summer ran uncomfortably hot so I put the old one back in
until the end of the summer.  The "new" one seemed to be constricting
flow such that even on a gently hill the temp would creep up to above
100 with outside temp in the upper 90's.

I ordered another new one to install for a Thanksgiving road trip to
CA which I didn't install until I returned.  Good thing too because we
sat in creeping traffic for something like 2 hours on I25 southbound
just north of Alburquerque on the first day.  It was a bit
unseasonally warm so  I ran the AC with the temp set high, to HI maybe
and opened the windows.  I even popped the hood to let more heat
escape.  I was really paranoid to say the least.  The traffic never
stopped for more than a few moments and so it really wasn't practical
to shut down the engine and I was most concerned about the extended
periods of idling in gear with the brakes on, even if barely creeping.

For the winter, I put the 1st new thermostat back in (I think, I may
be loosing track) so the car would generate heat earlier for
defrosting etc.  Now that things are warming up, I've seen it near
100, but not alarmingly so yet.

I've played with Wahlers and other brands and I think they may take
some time to "loosen up".  The Wahlers seem to have sort of a
constricted flow to begin with because of the wide flat band that goes
across.  If those don't open just right, I think they tend to make the
car run hotter.  The others seem to have less restriction due to the
supporting legs, but may have a smaller overall diameter opening.  I
selected theromstats after having 3-4 thermostats on the stove in a
pan filled with 50/50 mix of AF and water and a thermometer.  Not
exceedingly scientific, but I was getting such widely varying results,
I couldn't think of any other way to pick one.  I've gotten pretty
good at changing just the thermostat and being able to reuse most of
the AF.

I've been hoping to find a comfortable solution so as to avoid
replacing the radiator.  I should probably get one of those temp guns
anyway to do some checking of that anyway.  With the old/original
thermostat, the car would only ever reach regular operationg temp in
the summer and never seemed to want to overheat, once I replaced the
cooling fan fuse.


On 4/18/07, Scott Simmons <indischrot at gmail.com> wrote:
> d saad wrote:
> >it just spills out on top of the coolant tank.
> >
> >
> >
> That's what I was curious about, thanks for clearing that up.
> As far as the T-Stat goes, I just changed it.  Took out an 87 and put in
> a 92.  I'm considering going back to the 87 as the needle never went
> past 100 with that one, but Bruce (who provided the 92) says he runs
> them around 100 all the time.  *shrug*  I think I might go back for the
> summer, as I fear the mild winter is a hint to the cooking temperatures
> we're going to get.
> As far as the radiator goes, it's probably the original one, I'm going
> to be replacing it within a month or two due to a small leak.  During
> driving, needle sits just to the left of 100.  At a stop light, it might
> reach 101 or 102.  It just concerns me because that's boiling temp of
> water and most cars have their fans come on way before 220*F.  Different
> designs, I know.
> Thanks,
> Scott

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