[V8] Old V8 List archives

urq urq at pacbell.net
Wed Apr 18 18:03:13 EDT 2007

Eliot Lim was at UofW ... met him maybe 11 years ago when I was up in the 
Pacific Northwet.  He had the list running from a server at the university, 
it was not at all related to audifans.  AFAIK there were no archives 
retained.  I probably had a lot of archives in the unix e-mail system at my 
former employer ... but alas that is no longer available to me ...

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
... so if any of you have my e-mail in your address book, please change it 
from the kla-tencor.com address to this one ...
> Speaking of archives....does anyone know if there are archives from the
> ole Washington V8Q list when Eliot ran it, before the merge?  Is it just
> a formatting thing or are there no archives from the old list?

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