[V8] multimeter interpretation

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Apr 24 00:26:22 EDT 2007

I've got 2 NOS V8Q sensors "in stock" and they both read 976 with or
without plastic.

Did you do the 2nd half of the test?  You should get no reading between
pin 1 & 3, and pin 2 & 3.

Put them in the oven the next time you're baking something, when the bad
sensor is hot I suspect you'll get 350 or less between 1 & 2 if you were
having a hot start problem with the sensor.  

A reference sender that fails under heat will not effect engine running
because the ECU stores the first pass of the pin and ignores subsequent
signals.  That cannot be said of the speed sensor, which kills the
engine.  Something to keep in mind if you should get a speed sensor that
fails when the engine gets hot.  In an emergency you can swap the two
sensors, you'll exchange a hot engine cut out problem for a hot start
problem, but you'll be able to continue the journey, a nice option if
you're out in the sticks somewhere on a holiday weekend.  Just make sure
you've got a mirror and some band aids in the tool box. 

Some days you're the dog, some days you're the hydrant

Kneale Brownson <knealeski at sbcglobal.net> writes:

> When I replaced the ignition reference and engine speed sensors on 
> our V8 #1, solving the hot start problem, both the ones I took out 
> were caked with dried-on oil and grime.  Cleaned them up and the 
> look almost like new, so I decided to put them to the "test" in the 
> service manual.
>   With my multimeter set on 2K ohms, it reads "1.000", and when I 
> connect to the terminals as described in the test procedures, I get 
> .975 on the screen for the speed sender.  That's with the protective 
> plastic sleeve on the sensor that came on the new ones I installed.  
> If I remove that sleeve, I get 1.003. 
>   On the one that was installed in the ignition reference sender 
> location, that's the one that creates the hot start problems, I get 
> .992 readings with or without the sleeve.
>   On a brand new sensor for a 5ktq that I bought because it's 2/3 
> the cost of the V8 version, I get 1.033.
>   The test calls for "approximately 1K ohms" for a good sensor.
>   Is .992 "bad"?  I presume the grime had the effect the sleeve does 
> on the speed sender.

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