[V8] MPG - Final Chapter for now!

quattro + 5 or 8 = fun thequattroking at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 26 17:21:46 EDT 2007


PARTING:  1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5
PARTING:  1986 Audi 4000 CS quattro

> From: Jason Wilkerson <wilke_jb at yahoo.com>
> Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 10:41:08 -0700 (PDT)
> To: V8 list <v8 at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: [V8] MPG - Final Chapter for now!
> Wow, great response as usual, thanks!  Take this note into consideration -
> If this would have been my only v8 I would not even question this problem
> - I just know that my first v8 (that was exactly the same car- trans,
> year, motor) would get 18.5 in 50/50 harsh mountain/Interstate driving -
> this one gets 14.5 in town and gets about 16 all interstate.  Maby that is
> ok - I just don't buy it.  Let me answer all of the questions if I can
> remember them all - they are in order:
> 1. Mass air has been changed to a known good unit. - no change in MPG
> 2. MPG 14.5 in town, 16 all Interstate
> 3. Automatic - just like my old one
> 4. Gutted Cats - just like my old one
> 5. Exhaust restriction - doesn't seem so - it seems to put out a lot at
> the pipe - but I could check back pressure I guess.
> 6. 3.6L - just like my old one
> 7. Drive the snot out most of the time (6.5K shifts, etc.)- just like my
> old one
> 8. Re-sealed intake and injectors, although I didn't split the intake -
> maby I need to.
> 9. Haven't replaced Coolant temp sensor - it specs out - But maby it is
> flaky - I will try it next time I get a chance.
> 10. No difference with or without O2 hooked up - except it throws an O2
> code.
>          Thanks again for all the response,
>                                  Jason
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