[V8] Oil drain plug stuck, (Was Liquid penetrant test)

NicolCS at aol.com NicolCS at aol.com
Fri Apr 27 17:49:33 EDT 2007


The fill plug came out with no problem but the  "drain" plug is totally 
stripped and after an hour of playing with it is now  flush with the casing. (No 
allen head is even left on the plug)

My  question is:  Is it worth drilling and trying to get it out with an 
ez-out  or should I just give up and suction out the old oil from the "fill" plug 
and  re-fill it.  I'm afraid the suction method is not going to get the sludge  

If it's a flanged plug, like an oil drain plug, I'd heat all around on the  
case and then use a small, sharp, German chisel and a German ball-peen hammer 
to  unscrew it.  I had to do this on my S6, for some reason. (I think the P.O.  
used one of those oil "sucker-outers", I have all the service records and  it 
was done every 3k).  If it's a pipe-thread, you'll have to drill, heat,  then 
not-so-easy-out it.  You could weld a nut to the thing, I  guess; just 
remember to use a German MIG welder. ;-)
Craig Nicol

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