[V8] background on the 94 that was on ebay?

urq urq at pacbell.net
Sat Apr 28 13:39:16 EDT 2007

... as admin I carefully read through the posts on the flare up when it was 
in process.  I have to say that from my POV any "name-calling" was one 
sided.  I was quite impressed at the way the rest of the group dealt with 
the situation.

As to the specific car, I do think there is value in reviewing the comments 
of others relating to the claims of the seller.  There are clear signs that 
this is not the "cream puff" the seller believes it to be.

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

> poor experience with a loved vendor; a thread that deteriorated into 2-way
> name-calling and general bad behavior on the part of several listers and 
> the
> owner.

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