[V8] Well I bring a old car back from near death

Sean cole v8coupe at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 23:31:41 EDT 2007

As many on here know I bought Ron W's car back in early May from a rather
interesting character in WI.  That guy had the car for a mere 4 months and
managed to fix nothing and crash the car and some parts from him to install
on the car and start what became a long road to rebuilding it.

I got the car with the front passenger's side corner bashed in hard.  It
bent the frame rail and destroyed the core support.  Smashed the radiator
into the alternator which destroyed the temp sensor wiring and lower
radiator hose.  So I have replaced all that (with exception to the wiring
that's this weeks task) and also improved some items.  I had to get some new
transmission cooler lines so with help from Ron I installed the much larger
4.2L cooler and lines.  This required some redesigning of the hoses and
having some new hoses made.  The exhaust system currently ends at the Cats,
but sounds amazing it's not to loud (cuts it down by ~30% off straight
headers) so I think I'll leave it till I get a warning for a noise
ordinance.  I have a stock exhaust sitting in the storage shed so It's an
easy fix.  I have also installed wheel studs in the car so the brake mock up
for the soon to be installed BBK (front and rear) was simplified greatly.

Next mod to be made is a rebuild suspension with a 4.2L 28mm front sway bar
stock S4 rear sway bar, vogtland lower springs, koni shocks, camber plates,
and all new bushings EVERYWHERE.  Total rebuild here, I'll most likely spend
~1200-1800 on this, but since it's all original and the car only has 105k on
it I can justify it.  I'm also working on porting a 3.6L intake for
the 4.2Lthrottle body assembly and 24lb injectors to compliment the
ABT chip I
should soon have in the car.  I just love the car.

Thanks for all the help.

90 Pearl V8q "UrS8" 3.6L of pure power, soon to have more power and a
suspension to handle it all.

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