[V8] CV nightmare

J123fs at aol.com J123fs at aol.com
Mon Aug 13 08:43:14 EDT 2007

Hey Guys,
Anyone else besides me ever have a nightmare getting an inner CV back  
together after rebuilding the axle with new boots? 
Outer re-assembled like magic, the inner was a nightmare (back together  
finally, but randomly went back together!) 
I have done about a million VW CV's and on my old 5000q's and never had an  
issue: Marked the cages, clean and then reassemble in the reverse was normal  
operating procedure. On the inner CV I noticed that there is no angle to the  
outer races, only a small taper on the inner race (presses onto the axle) and 
as  you load the bearing there is no room to get the last one in!!! :-(   
Funny thing is the bearings fell out by themselves upon pulling the shaft  
with zero pressure while extricating the axle!
Did I miss something?? Is there a magic way to align the unit? Load the  cage 
from the outboard (facing out) side of the joint? Because loading from the  
inside seems impossible without some rubber hammer action....
Again, did I miss something other than my Sunday afternoon getting it back  
together?? Can you say Rubic's cube?? What does the Bentley say? Any BTDT's to  
I would have been done with the job in about two hours if the damn thing  
didn't fight me, instead it took 5:-(
Next time a reman. shaft is going in, don't care if it "only" lasts 50K, I  
won't have the car forever!
Licking my mental wounds dispensed by the Audi gods,

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