[V8] A/C Compressor

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Fri Aug 17 11:16:06 EDT 2007

"Scott Phillips" <phillipsscott at comcast.net> writes:

> I also asked
> about the variable orifice tube, and they recommended against it, 
> for the cost of the tube, vs. what it does they said not worth it. (so
I got 
> the stock $2.00 tube). 

The variable orifice definitly not worth it, especially so in the V8Q
where no one seems to have any complaints about performance at low RPM. 
GM has always had a good AC system, they should have stuck with a GM
compressor too.  The '84 5KS went to the big bone yard in the sky with
all the original AC components still working, a few dryer changes and
that was it for all those years.

Thanks for the BTDT with this Polarbear company.  They sound honest and
helpful, will be passing along their contact info to some local garages
who are getting fed up with WorldPac compressors.  My friend lost 3 days
on an Asia-mobile because they sent him a clockwise compressor when the
car calls for a counterclockwise rotation.  Plus WorldPac has been
playing fast and loose with their wholesale pricing lately.  Pretty soon
they're going to be the only game in town, bend over and say ahhhhh.  :-(

I live on a one-way street that's also a dead end. I'm not sure how I got

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