[V8] molding

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 1 10:42:58 EST 2007

Tomas, yah sorry you couln't make to Springfield over
the weekend! you missed a GREAT time for sure..I'll
get a write up on a seperate thread..lots too talk
about as you can imagine!

But if you need perfect moldings let me know I got a
ton of them & there yours for cost of shipping.
Let me know.

Ron mit 5spd!

Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 10:47:57 -0600 (CST)
From: tlastre01 at sprintpcs.com
Subject: [V8] molding
To: V8 at audifans.com
<28491855.1167583677655.JavaMail.root at lswmapl04>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

First of all let me say that I'm sorry I couldn't meet
with the Audi 
nuts over at Keith's (Happy Holidays Everybody). It
would have been great 
to put faces on all the listers that correspond on the
forum. Now, to 
my situation. I am washing my pearl v8 and I'm putting
on this 
Back-to-black stuff on my moldings that makes them
look real good. I notice that 
my door molding is coming loose on the bottom, you
can't see it from 
the top. Is this moding glued on (it looks like it is)
or are there any 
fasteners (I hope so) that I need to replace. If so,
how? Is this 
something that needs a body shop, or the stealership?
Thank you very much
Tomas (1990 V8 pearl)

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