[V8] Ronz excellent adventure/Keith GTG***W/Pics***

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 1 21:52:21 EST 2007

Listers, thought I'd let myou guys check out some

Had a great time. Pics are on pages 3 & 4.
Enjoy cause the people who were there sure did.

Hey Roomy..Ingo..great to finally meet you. I had a
blast with you & Keith at the eh...hemmmmm bar Sat
& Dave C....sorry you couldn't make it. You would have
had a blast.
& Big baldy Mark W....I'll be swingging down soon. The
4.2 motor will go in this weekend & I'll be heading
down your way..which I hear is close to you as well
Dave C..prolly be a good time to GTG ;->

 But check out the pics & my babbling in the thread.

Ron Mit 5spd :-)

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