[V8] Oil Leak from Heads

quattro + 5 or 8 = fun thequattroking at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 5 13:42:04 EST 2007

i assume u mean valve cover gaskets.

not head gaskets.


PARTING:  1972 Mercedes Benz 280 SE 4.5
PARTING:  1986 Audi 4000 CS quattro

> From: Paul Jager <pjager at telus.net>
> Reply-To: <pjager at telus.net>
> Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2007 10:34:15 -0800
> To: <v8 at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: [V8] Oil Leak from Heads
> I think a large number of oil leaking V8's are actually from the heads.
> Initially most people would say the distributor seals etc etc. but I believe
> that is not the culprit. When I got this v8 '93 4.2 with 100K Km's on it the
> used car sales said the same thing - distributor seals. But the service
> record showed new head gaskets at 50K and when I drove it they were still
> leaking. The leak got worse to now at 180K it was quite bad, at full rpms
> oil press 3-5 bar.
> So we torqued the driver's side head and the leak is way way down. Now I
> have to do the other side.
> We opened up a 928S4 engine yesterday and the oil feed to the heads are at
> the corners of the block, near the edges - something like a 1/4" passage
> through there. For the V8 this would be rear drivers side and front
> passenger. Again I don't think there is quite enough surface for a proper
> bullet proof seal in the V8 block. If I were to pull the heads I would use
> some sort of compound around that area for extra sealing.
> Paul
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