[V8] Subject: Re: 1990 V8 Woes

Scott Phillips Scottp at ippe.com
Thu Jan 18 16:05:08 EST 2007



Link for the outer tie rods.. 




If the mechanic has never done a TB on a V8 before, you might  want to
question it (and reconsider) Oh yeah..and have a copy of the Bentley
with you. !


I was at Ron's (ITSAV8) a few weeks ago watching him and Tim (GrayWolf)
do one of what I'm sure has been too many by the way they could do it
from memory..., and the seriously (and it might not seem so at first),
is to:


Pull the ft. Bumper, Headlights, Rad and Rad support. 

Leave the Condenser and Oil Cooler connected and out of the way. 

Then attack the engine stuff. Pull and lock the Dist's, be very careful
of the Hall Senders, and while your back there you might consider
replacing the coolant temp sender on the back of the head ;-).  

Once everything is locked down, then pull the belt, fan and covers.  

After the belt is off, replace the WP and T-Stat (and don't get pissed
when you snap a few bolts, just be ready for it. (AL block and steel
bolt + Time=pissed mechanics). 

When the belt goes back on you'll need to measure the shock looking
thing to make sure it's within the right spec (this is what you need the
book for). 

Then put it all back together and enjoy.


So Professor Ron..did I pass?? (and that's just from memory)




Scott '90 V8Q x2



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