[V8] Cool running V8

Tony and Lillie tonyandlillie1 at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 22 19:40:59 EST 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Peter Littlewood" <littlepete_19 at hotmail.com>
To: <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2007 9:33 AM
Subject: [V8] Cool running V8

> Hi
> Finally got around to checking out my cooling problem with my V8. It has
> only once got hotter than 90degreesC and normally runs at 75degrees
> I have been following Keith T s excellent fault diagnostic notes from
> previous listings
> All check out fine until step 4. After removing the resistor and with both
> plugs disconected, the temp still reads 75 and electric fan is on its 2nd
> speed.
> How can it still read the running temp?
> The gauge starts from cold first thing and reads between 70-75 always

I'd take the sender out and put it in a pot with a cooking thermometer in 
it. Check it's readings against the sender resistance. The 75 reading is 
wierd, that is with the sender on the front of the drivers side of the 
engine disconnected?

> The gauge has once passed 110degrees on a very hot day in heavy traffic 
> and
> the 3rd speed did cut in..
> The thermostat has been replaced twice in an effort to sort things out...
> The oil temp very rarely even moves at all (only in traffic)
> The oil pressure gauge reads maximum as soon as the ignition is switched 
> on
> even with the wires from the sender disconnected.

This is correct. Not sure why it was designed this way, but it is. Should 
work correctly with both wires connected correctly. Mine does the same. one 
post is broken :(

Tony Hoffman 

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