[V8] Global "Eco" nomics

Paul Jager pjager at telus.net
Wed Jan 24 17:36:06 EST 2007

Here some eco-logic:

Say I drive a V8 at 14L/100 km and I think I should get a hybrid to save the
planet. The only way this would save the planet is if the V8 is then
crushed. If I did sell it, that new driver would most likely drive it more
than me, with less people on board (New parameter - Liters/person/100 km) so
that would in fact be worse for the planet.

And I wonder what the energy cost of the new vehicle is? Perhaps a year or
maybe two of fuel differential in driving?

So in my mind, an owner keeping a V8 in proper tune, using it sparingly and
doing so with a full load of people is best for the planet. Being a good
steward of this wasteful beast in the global inventory of automobiles.

Make sense?

Paul Jager

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