[V8] MPG Re-Visited

Jason Wilkerson wilke_jb at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 29 08:03:31 EST 2007

Ok - last time I posted I think I was going to change the x-pipe.  I did
this and hooked up the sensor that was in it already - I know that this
sensor was good about 2 years ago when I took it out of my other v8.  I
hook everything up and drive it for a week - gas mileage is still bad but
I have no CEL.  I go ahead and run the codes - 2342 - basically an o2 code
- I have gotten this with an unhooked sensor before - this is a different
code then what I got with the first o2.  I put a meter on the sensor lead
of the o2 and I get no change in voltage?  On a hot o2 I'm used to seeing
a rapid change in voltage from .1 to .7 - even whith it un-hooked but not
on this one - I'm guessing that I need a new o2 but I wanted to see what
you guys thought.  Any Ideas why I'm having so much trouble with this? 
Thanks,  Jason

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