[V8] Coolant Guage wackyness

Kneale Brownson knealeski at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 3 19:10:41 EDT 2007

I don't recall specifics, but I seem to remember Keith providing a longish explanation of how the gauge gets the coolant temperature report from a couple different sensors in the coolant system.  Isn't there one on the radiator and another on the back of the passenger side head?  One or both supply the signal to the gauge in the instrument cluster?

Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com> wrote:  Sending Unit Kneale??? 


--- Kneale Brownson wrote:

> How about the sending unit itself?
> Ron Wainwright wrote: 
> Lister's, just trying to figure out if the processor
> in the Instrument Cluster is fubar...or what......
> Here's what's happening....the coolant guage needle
> was sitting at 110C..car off, cold, hot.....doesn't
> matter. So I took the IC out & replaced the coolant
> guage itself. I go to hook the #2 Black connector at
> the back of the cluster & the needle goes from 50C,
> to
> 110C. I unplug the Black #2 connector & it goes back
> to 50C.....is the processor fubar?? wire in the
> cluster?.....any suggestions?

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