[V8] Off topic: Ford 302 V8

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at adelphia.net
Thu Jul 5 07:50:23 EDT 2007

Well, I found one plug that looked for all the world as though it was dead.
I decided to replace all the plugs and did so...but one of course.

I used to do a lot of this stuff, and it shows.  Been a long time.  I broke
a plug so I have eight new ones and one bad....and the truck runs better,
but not perfect.  So I think I had two bad plugs and will replace the one
remaining one tomorrow when it stops raining.

One and three are the culprits, it seems.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kent McLean [mailto:kentmclean at comcast.net] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 9:18 PM
To: 'V8 Audi Fans'
Cc: Roger M. Woodbury
Subject: Re: [V8] Off topic: Ford 302 V8

Roger M. Woodbury wrote:
> Well, I just tried things out again.  It really feels like one cylinder is
> dead.  

Can you pull one plug wire at a time to see if the engine runs rougher?
You may find no change in behavior when you pull one wire -- that would
be your dead cylinder. (Obviously, replace the wire before moving on to
the next one.)

Kent McLean
'91 200 TQA #1, for sale
'91 200 TQA #2, no name yet
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy", up in smoke
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