[V8] 92 V8 4.2 fogging inside
Ron Wainwright
ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 8 21:04:46 EDT 2007
Sounds like the famous recirculation flap spring is
broke. But you said you physically looked at it & the
flap opens & closes as it should?
--- Dag Bøsterud <dag.boesterud at consulgranada.net>
> When it rains, my 92 V8 4,2 starts to fog heavily
> inside. I've checked the recirculation flap; it's
> okay and in working order.
> I have the new climate control system. As of this
> moment there is no refrigrerant in the system.
> The heater core doesn't seem to be leaking; no
> coolant seems to be disappearing. Neither have I
> ever felt the smell of coolant inside the car, and
> the windows doesn't seem to become greasy and sticky
> as they would get from a leaking heater... but I'm
> not saying it isn't leaking.
> If I'm out driving in the rain, I have to set the
> climate control to about 25 C (77 F) and all the air
> up to the windows... then the fog goes away. I will
> also have to use the rear window demister from time
> to time.
> There is no water/moisture on the carpets,
> headlining, seats and the sunroof is not leaking.
> Is this normal for such a car, or am I just a bit
> spoiled from driving a 1983 Ford?
> ...or is something really wrong?
> /Dag Bøsterud
> Norway
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